The Moroccan astrolabe a sphere from the 11th century AD

The French National Library Gallica .. still maintains one of the most beautiful and most important Moroccan astrolabe .. and it is a model Celestial globe, which is a hundred percent pure Moroccan industry and creativity ….

The Moroccan astrolabe a sphere from the 11th century AD.

The model, which dates back to the eleventh century, attributed to the famous astronomer Ibrahim bin Saeed Al Sahli Al Wazzan … And who called his fame especially in Iberia under the Moroccan rule of the Moorish Marabite .. and from the whole of Europe .. when he invented and created the ” Astrolabe Sahli”, the genius tool for determining the positions of the stars in the sky .. which is characterized by the peculiarity of its method of work, which # differs from that of other similar tools in the same age..

The astronomical ball, most likely made in Morocco … made of  copper entirely … and was decorated # with symbolic drawings related to the signs of the zodiac and their popular characters .. It was also localized by dotting # the position of the stars precisely .. and it was divided across the equator and longitude .. in addition to the inclusion of Astronomical and other data related to the eclipse and lunar phenomena.

This amazing astronomical copper ball … which reflects the Moroccan Marish Amazigh ingenuity throughout history with astronomy … is based on a luxurious heavy axis .. The quadriplegic polished in a wonderful artistic way ..

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